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I Surrender All
January 19, 2024, 7:00 AM

I Surrender All

A very popular church song of many years ago, and still a favorite of many today is “I Surrender All.”

It seems the author, J. W. Van DeVenter, wrote the song while conducting a camp meeting in East Palestine, Ohio. For some time, he had struggled between developing his talents in the field of art or going into full-time evangelistic work.

At a pivotal moment in his life he said to himself and to the Lord, “I surrender all.” A new day ushered into his life. He became and evangelist that day and never looked back. If you are able, grab a hymnal or look up the full text of the song online.

What are some of the things we can surrender? We can surrender our plans to His plans. We can surrender our desires, motives, and intentions to Him and what He sees as best.

A popular saying is – he who dies with the most toys wins. Jesus challenged that saying with these words – “What will it profit a man if he should gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

We would be wise to surrender our personal desires for success, wealth, and accumulating stuff to Him and to a life focused on that which is great and has more eternal value.

As a popular song goes, “Father, let your kingdom come, Father, let your will be done on earth as in heaven right here in my heart.” We can pray this because there’s always so much more going on than what we can see and know.

A prayer of surrender can include a once and for all commitment. This may be made at a revival meeting, a special conference, or Sunday morning at church.

But there’s also a daily surrender. Every day has its own challenges, blessings, and temptations. When we surrender all at the start of each new day, we are admitting, we do not know all that will unfold that day, but we are surrendering to the One who gives us the power to face each day.

Adding to that, we are surrendering all to the One who has all power, and all the know-how. We are surrendering to the One who loves us with unconditional love. He gave us His only begotten son, He chose us in Christ, and we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus.

As we begin today, we cannot know all the spiritual detours, potholes, and interruptions we may experience. But they do not take God by surprise. Surrendering all to Him makes the adjustments and course corrections a little easier to make.

Keep the lines of communication open so that we can know His will and follow the path He would have us to take. God Bless!